Plant organelles (chloroplasts and mitochondria) are important intracellular components for respiration, photosynthesis, photorespiration, and essential metabolism. These organelles also divide and are maintained during cell division, and mitochondria maintain uniformity/complementation by fusion. We are studying cell biology, especially the dynamic aspects of plant organelles. In addition, our recent research aims to continue to lead the world in genome editing, especially of the unique genomes (chloroplast genome and mitochondrial genome) contained in plant organelles.
ソルガム (別名タカキビ, コーリャン, モロコシなど) は世界五大穀物であるにも関わらず, いまだ改良の余地が多く残る, ある意味"粗野な"作物です. 当研究室ではソルガムの持つ潜在能力に着目し, ソルガムをバイオマス作物として利用する際に重要な形質について, 責任遺伝子の単離と機能解明, およびその育種利用を目標に研究を行っています.